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BarCamp 2.0
BarCamp 2.0: challenges and collaborations outside the bubble
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How to be visible and useful out of your own bubble and inside of others? Where can you find new partners for collaborations? How to work with the audience in the online format, and how can you find new voices in a such regime? These questions were popular at online BarCamp organized by Ukrainian Art and Museum Complex Mystetskyi Arsenal, Goethe Institute Ukraine, Frankfurt Book Fair, and German Federal Foreign Office.
A hundred participants from 21 countries joined to discuss «Creating new alliances in the book and creative industry». Everyone could share his\her opinion — on profession topic as well as on plans of Christmas and New Year celebration. Participants used that possibility to create new contacts and, of course, to go out of their bubbles together.
Corinna Kroker worked as an editor for Klett-Cotta since 2016; in 2019 she became editorial director for the Klett-Cotta literary list. She’s responsible for international as well as German authors (classic and contemporary) and acquired, among others, Booker prize winner.
Within her session at BarCamp 2.0, Corinna told how, in her opinion, editors can find new voices in literature and create an interesting, balanced and commercially successful literary list.
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Andreas Jandl is a freelance translator from English and French, who together with BIEF (Bureau International de l’Edition Française) organised programmes for young literary translators, booksellers and publishers. At the Centre Européen de Traduction Littéraire in Belgium, he is a regular lecturer and mentor for students in the Literary Translation study programme. During the BarCamp 2.0: Outside the Bubble event, Andreas shared his experience of being engaged in translation associations and told why it is important to be united.
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Alexandra Nieradzik, a creative content producer, who is working in the German book company «Hugendubel Buchhandlungen» for 3 years, was one of the key speakers at the BarCamp-2021 conference. She shared her fruitful advice about creative content and illustrated what is important in creating quality photography for the book promotion.
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As part of BarCamp 2.0, Emma House, an international expert with many years of experience who advises publishing associations, book fairs and other organizations related to the publishing sector, spoke about the new initiatives. In 2020 Emma co-founded «Publishers without borders», a Facebook community, in response to the pandemic alongside colleagues from all over the world.
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