Book Publishing

Experts name 23 biggest wartime problems of Ukrainian book publishing


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During a public discussion of book publishing and distribution organized by the RES-POL project with the Ukrainian Book Institute, experts named 23 problems encountered in the book publishing sector.


The RES-POL project conducted a series of in-depth interviews with industry players and analysts in spring, and the Ukrainian Book Institute organized a strategic session for market participants. As a result, the experts defined essential issues in the book publishing sector:


Human resources and professionals:


  • Lack of personnel due to martial law (a cross-cutting problem for the state and SMEs in particular);
  • Key professionals of printing houses of whom many are not exempt from military service;
  • Complications with attracting nomadic specialists are related to uncertainty of their tax residency and irrelevance of Ukrainian salaries to expenses abroad;
  • Lack of qualified specialists, especially with working knowledge of English, especially in the areas of grant management, copyright, and international negotiations;
  • Lack of leverage to enforce the translation rates approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the resultant dumping and lowering of quality standards.


Infrastructure and funding:


  • Threatened infrastructure (Kharkiv printing houses in particular). Infrastructure critical to the industry is not recognized as critical to the state;
  • Inability to borrow at interest rates of 5-7-9% due to lack of assets that can be pledged as collateral.


Business environment and institutions:


  • Market instability and dumping wars. Discussion of the feasibility of establishing a cover price (a suggested retail price) and mechanisms for its implementation in the context of inflation;
  • Lack of funding from approved instruments of state support for the industry (such as reimbursement of rent to bookstores);
  • Questions about a program for rent reimbursement to bookstores in light of the risk of its favoring large chain players rather than independent bookstores in small towns;
  • Lack of literary agencies (internal and external). Lack of understanding of the global market by authors, publishers, and agents;
  • Financial and logistical inaccessibility of trips abroad for most industry players;
  • Lack of high-quality and up-to-date statistics on the book industry and market;
  • Lack of professional associations and exchange of professional experience;
  • Lack of formal and informal training and professional development programs that meet market needs.


Interaction with other industries, the creative community, and consumers:


  • Lack of new Ukrainian authors who write in various genres;
  • Lack of professional translators of literary texts from all languages into Ukrainian and lack of translators from Ukrainian in the international market;
  • Lack of a regulatory framework for interaction with translators in the fields of copyright and visibility;
  • Piracy and counterfeiting (paper, electronic, and audio books, YouTube videos, Russian publications, foreign editions). Lack of understanding of copyright protection by the general public;
  • Insufficient numbers of awards, professional media, and critics;
  • Low integration of books into other creative industries (e.g., selling licenses for movies, computer games, clothing prints). Lack of understanding of copyright in these categories;
  • Lack of relevant professional and technical literature in Ukrainian due to the complexity and unprofitability of such projects for publishers;
  • High cost of foreign books, in particular due to VAT (value-added tax) on book imports and partial shadowing of imports.


According to the organizers, the next step is to rank the problems and summarize the results of the study.


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Copy editing: Joy Tataryn