
Lithuanian publishing awards celebrate top professionals of the year, including standout Ukrainian poetry translator


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The K.A. Publishing Awards, initiated by the Lithuanian Publishers Association, have unveiled their winners, celebrating exceptional publishers, literary critics, and professional organizations. This year, the awards were bestowed upon professionals in 13 categories, including Aukso žuvys as the Publishing House of the Year, Vytas Dekšnys, translator of Ukrainian poetry, and many others.


The event was hosted by writer Akvilina Cicėnaitė and historian of culture Aurimas Švedas. Lolita Varanavičienė, the president of the Lithuanian Publishers Association, welcomed the audience and invited them to observe a moment of silence to remember those in the literary world who passed away in 2023. 


The nomination for literary criticism – The Kęstutis Keblys Prize: Jurgita Žanaitė Raškevičiūtė


(sponsored by the family of Kęstutis Keblys (1933–2019), honors literary critics for their contributions to guiding literary works to readers. 


– for her reasoned, straightforward criticism and steadfastness in the classical review genre. 


Translator of the Year: Vytas Dekšnys


– for his sensitive ear, meticulous work, and translator loyalty. 

In 2023, Vytas Dekšnys translated Serhii Zhadan’s book “Like a Fish to a Black Shore” (“Tarsi žuvis į juodą krantą,” published by Kitos Knygos), Tina Oziewicz’s book “What Feelings Do” („Ką veikia jausmai,“ published by “Aukso žuvys”), and Oleh Lyseha’s book “The Great Bridge” („Didysis tiltas,“ published by Bazilisko Ambasada).


The Literary Editor’s Award “Golden Lupa”: Asta Bučienė 

– for her sensitive, thoughtful, and precise editing of fiction literature, patient and tactful communication with authors and translators.


“Voice of the Year” category: Vesta Šumilovaitė-Tertelienė

an award for performers who narrate audiobooks (sponsored by “Audioteka LT”)

–  for the narration of Margaret Mitchell’s audiobook “Gone with the Wind.” 


The Young Editor’s Prize:  Aira Niauronytė and Rasa Milerytė

– Aira Niauronytė for her efforts to highlight the importance of the editor’s work and expand the understanding of their role, 

– Rasa Milerytė for her courage to step into the realms of book management, meticulousness, and attentiveness to the text. 


The Lithuanian Publisher of the Year: Aukso žuvys

– for their attention to the form and content of the book, their connection with authors, and their community involvement. 


The Book Design of the Year: Jurgis Griškevičius

– for the accurate representation of content through design decisions and maintaining high-quality binding in Rimas Vėžys’ book “A Year Ago, I Was a Lemon” („Prieš metus buvau citrina“ published by „Bazilisko ambasada“). 




The Cover Design of the Year:  Lina Sasnauskaitė



– for the illustration on the cover inspired by the aesthetics of traditional Lithuanian graphic techniques, creating an exceptional cover design for Jurga Tumasonytė’s book “Newborns” („Naujagimiai“, published by the Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishing House – Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla). 


The Book as an Event Award: Liudvikas Rėza’s “Prutenai”

(translated by Antanas A. Jonynas, published by the Lithuanian Institute of Literature and Folklore) 

– for the translation and preparation of texts significant for the history of Lithuanian literature, harmonizing all the details of the book.


The Illustration of the Year award: Lina Itagaki

– for creating engaging illustrations with a narrative in Marius Marcinkevičius’ book “The Girl with a Gun: Story of a Partisan Girl” („Mergaitė su šautuvu. Istorija apie mergaitę partizanę“ published by “Misteris Pinkmanas“), showing precise attention to details, and promoting civic engagement. 


The Transformation of the Year: Eglė and Rokas Kašėta  

– for love of local culture and literature, and their organized festival “Čiulba Ulba,” dedicated to the work and personality of Sigitas Geda


The Phenomenon of the Year:  The Lithuanian Writers’ Union’s support campaign for Ukraine

(Lithuanian Writers’ Union Literature Fund, Marius Burokas, Laurynas Katkus, Alė Mylimienė, Donatas Petrošius)

– for activities transcending the boundaries of texts and promoting solidarity within the literary community


The First Book Contest

was declared to highlight the debuts, focusing on new authors and meticulous work with manuscripts, but this category remains empty on the official website of the organization 


All the laureates at the Book Awards received a commemorative badge and the Book Award, a statue in the form of a copper book. Three of the awards had their patrons, and the laureates were also rewarded with cash prizes. 


Learn more about Lithuanian culture within or special project – The Lithuanian Accent 



The K.A.2.0.2.x the publishing award established in 2023 by the Lithuanian Publishers Association, with the activities funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture. The purpose of these awards is to honor the efforts of publishers, showcasing the diversity of the book publishing process and highlighting the significance of each stage and contributor in the publishing journey. In the long-term, the aim is to promote the overall quality of publishing processes. The award is open to publishers, writers, translators, editors, designers, literary critics, and printers.


Sigitas Geda – Lithuanian poet, translator, playwright, essayist, critic and a member of the Lithuanian independence movement


Photos by Mindaugas Mikulėnas