
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico shot by writer Juraj Cintula


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A 71-year-old poet, Juraj Cintula, has been identified as the man arrested May 15, 2024, in connection with the shooting of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico.


Robert Fico was hospitalized in critical condition after witnesses reported hearing several shots in central Handlová; he was reportedly hit multiple times in the abdomen.


Hungarian investigative journalist Szabolcs Panyi stated that Juraj Cintula is associated with the pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenskí Branci (SB)



Juraj Cintula is a Slovak writer and co-founder of the DÚHA Literary Club (2005-2016) who is also a published poet, having authored at least three poetry collections. A member of the Slovak Writers’ Association, he lives in Levice, western Slovakia, where he works as a security guard at a shopping mall.

Copy editing: Terra Friedman King