Ukrainian cameraman Ivan Lyubysh-Kirdey seriously injured in Russian strike on Kramatorsk hotel


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Reuters cameraman Ivan Lyubysh-Kirdey, injured in a Russian missile strike on Kramatorsk on August 24, is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Dnipro, reported his wife, Maria Semenchenko, on her Facebook page. 


Lyubysh-Kirdey, along with other Reuters journalists, was near the “Sapphire” hotel in Kramatorsk, which was hit by an Iskander missile, during the Russian shelling.



“I have feared such news since 2014, when Ivan started traveling to and filming on the front lines,” wrote Semenchenko. “It turns out that you can never be fully prepared for this. It’s terrifying, it’s painful, and it literally shatters your world. But I have great faith in Ivan, and I love him deeply.” 


Lyubysh-Kirdey is currently unconscious at Mechnykov Hospital in Dnipro. Reuters is covering his medical expenses and remains in contact with his colleagues. Semenchenko expressed gratitude for the support they have received, saying, “I know that you also love Ivan, believe in him, and care deeply … I deeply appreciate this and can physically feel how hundreds of hands and hearts are supporting Ivan, me, and our entire family.” 


A fund has been created to support Lyubysh-Kirdey’s family and his health. PayPal: [email protected]


Ivan Lyubysh-Kirdey is a Ukrainian cameraman and photographer who has worked with various media outlets, including Reuters. He has covered significant events, including the Euromaidan and the Ilovaisk cauldron. In 2022, he was awarded the Order of Merit, III class.


Maria Semenchenko is a contributor to Chytomo and the author of the Chytomo media project and the Ukrainian PEN project “People from Empty Chairs” (#EmptyChairPeople).


As previously reported, security advisor Ryan Evans, who worked for Reuters, was killed in the Russian missile strike on Kramatorsk on August 24. 


On July 1, 2023, Ukrainian writer and volunteer Viktoria Amelina died from severe injuries sustained in a shelling by Russian occupiers in Kramatorsk. 


Copy editing: Joy Tataryn