Vydavnytstvo publishing house receivesd the KyivPride Award for “Friendly Business”


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The Ukrainian independent publishing house Vydavnytstvo was awarded the “Friendly Business” prize by KyivPride for its significant contributions to protecting and promoting the rights and visibility of LGBTQI+ individuals. This is the second time Vydavnytstvo has received this prize. 


Vydavnytstvo expressed gratitude for being chosen by the LGBTQI+ community, seeing it as a sign that their business development is continuing in the “right direction.” for the business development. The publisher also recognized the widespread failures of society and industries:


“The negative side is that businesses are doing too little for the queer community. Changing an avatar to a pride one is not enough support. Actions, active participation, and involvement are needed. Unfortunately, we hardly see this in other businesses,” the publishing house wrote on its page.


Vydavnytstvo believes more needs to be done to effectively overcome stereotypes and is advocating for greater support from businesses for the LGBTQI+ community, hoping to see more worthy category competitors in 2025. 


The publishing house also took the opportunity to announce its upcoming queer projects.


Vydavnytstvo is a Ukrainian mid-sized independent publishing house with a social focus on human rights, equality, minorities, adulthood, death, and other important social issues. They were the first to publish Ukrainian editions of acclaimed graphic novels like “Maus” by Art Spiegelman, “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi, and other significant works.


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Image: KyivPride Awards

Copy editing: Terra Friedman King