
2023 Bratislava Illustration Biennale has announced this year’s winners


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The winners of one of the oldest and prestigious international awards for children’s book illustrators, the Biennial of Illustration Bratislava (BIB) have been announced.


The Biennale of Illustrations Bratislava (BIB) is an international competition for illustrations of books for children and young adults that has been held since 1967. The Biennale also hosts various educational events and professional symposia related to book design.


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The winners’ works will be exhibited at the Bratislava Castle.


The jury determined the winner of the Grand Prix and awarded the artists with special prizes.


Grand Prix Winner

Paloma Valdivia (Chile)


Golden Apples

Anete Bajáre-Babčuka (Latvia)
Xunru Chen (China)
Maeva Rubli (Switzerland)
Maya Shleifer (Israel)
Daniel Torrent (Spain)



Anna Cunha (Brazil)
Lucie Lučanská (Czech Republic)
Sanna Pelliccioni (Finland)
Jaan Roomus (Estonia)
Vendi Vernić (Croatia)


Award of the Mayor of the Capital City Bratislava BIB´23

Simona Smatana (Slovakia) award

Ondrej Zimka (Slovakia)


Children’s Jury Award

Nada Serafimovic (Serbia)


Honorary Mention Certificate to Publisher

Sakyejul Publishing Ltd (Republic of Korea)
Tara books (India)


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