paris fellowship

Paris Fellowship announced for literary publishers


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Paris fellowship offers unique opportunity for international publishers to converge and exchange literary visions.


‘The BIEF (The Bureau International de l’Édition Française), organization, responsible for promotion of French books worldwide, and SOFIA are inviting 15 publishers of literature and the humanities from different countries for a week in Paris in the framework of the Paris Book Market.


The program will take place in Paris between May 26 and June 1, 2024.


Eligibility criteria:

  • Be an editorial executive/manager in Literature or the Humanities(no children’s books, YA, comic books, or illustrated books)
  • Manage French sufficiently to be able to read a text in French and to understand someone speaking in French
  • Be able to express yourself in French or in English.


To apply, got the Paris Fellowship Program here.


Image: Wikipedia

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