Armed Forces of Ukraine

“Proud to serve the Ukrainian people”: Ukrainian writer and poet Serhiy Zhadan joins Defense Forces of Ukraine


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After attracting an audience of 4,000 to the Palace of Sports in Kyiv for a poetry evening, Ukrainian writer and poet Serhiy Zhadan has enlisted in the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, also known as “Khartia.”


“I’ve joined the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, ‘Khartia.’ Currently undergoing training. Proud to serve the Ukrainian people,” announced Serhiy Zhadan on his Facebook page.

As reported on May 25, Serhiy Zhadan presented his collection “All Poems” at the Kyiv Palace of Sports, announcing that all proceeds from the event would be donated to the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine “Khartia,” which he has now joined as a soldier.


Serhiy Zhadan has been actively supporting the military and engaging in volunteer work, having raised funds for the needs of Ukrainian defenders, purchased vehicles for the front lines, organized lotteries to support soldiers, and even personally participated in weaving camouflage nets.


Serhiy Zhadan is a Ukrainian poet, novelist, essayist, musician, translator, and social activist. He is the author of over 20 books, which have been translated into 30+ languages. Zuhrkamp holds the rights to Zhadan’s books. One of his latest novels, “The Orphanage,” was translated into 30 languages. He has also established the Serhiy Zhadan Charitable Foundation, which supports civilian relief and education efforts in war-torn Eastern Ukraine. According to Chytomo research conducted by the Raumkov Center, Serhiy Zhadan is one of the most popular writers among Ukrainians.


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Image: Serhiy Zhadan Facebook page

Copy editing: Terra Friedman King