books about Ukraine

Newly founded e-book publisher specializes in English-language books about Ukraine


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Kovyla Publishing, a newly established e-book company specializing in nonfiction literature, will produce works that convey an accurate image of Ukraine and its people to international readers. Among the team of industry professionals who helped found the new publisher is Natalya Korniyenko, a Chytomo author who collaborated on the Book Space literary festival and curated the Words and Bullets project.


“It’s crucial that we counter Russian imperial narratives and showcase Ukrainians’ agency and inherent value, speaking to the world in our own voice,” said Viktoria Narizhna, Kovyla Publishing Chief Editor. “To do this, we’ll seek out stories, formats, and narratives that enable foreign readers to form their own independent perceptions of us – as people, a nation, and a state – rather than relying on Russian stereotypes.”


Kovyla Publishing’s debut book series, “Stories from Ukraine,” will feature collections of literary reportage spotlighting ordinary yet extraordinary Ukrainians from diverse backgrounds. The series will comprise three volumes, categorized by generation: “Believers” (young Ukrainians), “Fighters” (adults), and “Keepers” (elderly Ukrainians).

According to Narizhna, the stories were divided by generation to show that the Russo-Ukrainian war did not start in 2022. “It’s part of a long history of conscious attempts to destroy the Ukrainian nation. And sooner or later, Russia will lose this war because Ukrainians are resourceful, brave, and tireless, and every new generation, despite everything, holds on to their identity and is ready to defend it.”


Narratives for the e-book series are being prepared by well-known Ukrainian authors, including Olesya Yaremchuk, Lyuba Yakimchuk, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Alim Aliev, Ostap Slyvynsky, Les Beley, Iryna Slavinska, and others. The first series is scheduled for release on Oct. 2 and can be pre-ordered at a pre-sale price on Amazon.


Copy editing: Ben Angel, Terra Friedman King