Russia's crimes

UNESCO: Ukraine needs US$9 billion to rebuild its cultural sites


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Ukraine will need US$9 billion over the next decade to rebuild its cultural heritage objects destroyed by Russia during the Russian-Ukrainian War.

UNESCO estimated that Ukraine’s culture and tourism industries have lost over US$19 billion in revenue during Russia’s full-scale invasion, and 341 cultural sites have been destroyed across the country. The total cost of destruction comes to nearly US$3.5 billion.


As an example, Chiara Dezzi Bardeschi, the head of the UNESCO office in Ukraine, cited the Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa that was damaged by the Russians in July 2023:It’s a symbol of the community … with a deep spiritual and historical meaning.


As reported earlier, UNESCO has confirmed the damage to 274 Ukrainian cultural sites.


RELATED: UNESCO is concerned about illegal trade of Ukrainian art


Source: AP

Main photo: Nakypilo media group 

Translation: Kateryna Liushyn

Editing: Tanya Mykhaylychenko