
Victoria Amelina reading room opens in Milan


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The reading room named after Victoria Amelina opened at Gallaratese Library in Milan on March 26. PEN Ukraine shared the news on its Facebook page.


Christian Rocca, the editor-in-chief of the independent Italian online newspaper Linkiesta, proposed to name a reading room after Victoria Amelina. According to PEN Ukraine, his “newspaper has treated Victoria’s mission, which she carried out in her texts and actions, with responsibility and sincerity.”


The City Council of Milan supported Rocca’s initiative and found a suitable library room to commemorate Victoria Amelina. 



According to Linkiesta, Tommaso Sacchi, the Deputy Mayor for Culture, opened the ceremony. Rocca made a speech about Amelina and her contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture. 


Yaryna Grusha, Italian translator and friend of Victoria, read an excerpt from the Italian translation of “Dom’s Dream Kingdom,” Amelina’s second novel. She also read the Italian translation of one of Victoria’s last poems and the original in Ukrainian. 


Svitlana Tkachenko, a Ukrainian activist in Milan, read Victoria Amelina’s poems in Ukrainian and Italian. Yaryna Grusha presented the library with a copy of the novel “Dom’s Dream Kingdom” in Ukrainian.


The participants also saw a video recording by the Italian writer Paolo Giordano featuring Kateryna Mikhalitsina, Victoria’s editor and friend, sharing her memories of Victoria.


Victoria Amelina was a Ukrainian writer, and is the author of the novels “November Syndrome, or Homo Compatiens,” “Dom’s Dream Kingdom,” and numerous children’s books. She was also a volunteer, activist, and public figure. In the months following Russia’s full-scale invasion, Victoria joined the Ukrainian human rights organization Truth Hounds and went to liberated territories in Ukraine to record the testimonies of war crimes committed by Russian occupying forces.



RELATED: Victoria Amelina: No words are needed after a tragedy, all words slide into a whirlpool




Main image: writer’s Facebook page

Image: PEN Ukraine




Translation: Nataliia Grydasova

Copy editing: Mark Klenk, Terra Friedman King