Зарубіжна художня література

Eleanor H. Porter. Just David

Porter, Eleanor H. Just David / Eleanor H. Porter. — Kyiv : Znannia, 2018. — 222 p. — (American Libra­ry). ISBN 978-617-07-0576-1


“Just David” is one more novel by a world-famous American writer Eleanor H. Porter (1868—1920), the author of the best-seller about Pollyanna. Unlike “Pollyanna”, a charming tale about the girl, “Just David” is not less moving and interesting story about the unusual boy with crystal-clear soul, who so splendidly masters the art of playing violin that even the most hard-hearted and insensible people, listening to his music and communicating with him, become more kind-hearted and begin to see beauty around them.

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