Зарубіжна художня література

Virginia Woolf. To The Lighthouse

Woolf, Virginia. To The Lighthouse / Virginia Woolf. — Kyiv : Znannia, 2017. — 239 p. — (English Library). ISBN 978-617-07-0556-3


“To the Lighthouse” is one of the best-known novels by the British writer, a brilliant representative of modernistic prose Virginia Woolf (1882—1941). This work is to some degree autobiographical. The writer copied the main heroes — Mr and Mrs Ramsay — from her parents. That’s just they who represent in the novel two opposite worlds: male — cold, logic, impatient one, and female — the world of warmth, understanding, comfort, sympathy. In spite of this, the role of the characters in the novel is rather relative because Virginia Woolf’s style is unusual: she portrays not so much her heroes and their deeds, as thoughts, ideas, and moods, forming in this way a new psychological manner of writing and giving orienting points for all the modern literature.

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