
An open database of documentary materials on the Russian war in Ukraine has been created for journalists


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In Ukraine, DATTALION, an open database of photos and videos of the consequences of russian hostilities, has been created. The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy reported this on its Facebook account.

Any Ukrainian can upload the materials. Any media or user worldwide can have free access to the materials. Moreover, the materials gathered can further be presented in international courts against putin and russia.


«The database has been created to counter the russian government’s misinformation and propaganda. The world needs to see the atrocities being committed by the russians against the civilians in Ukraine», – said on the DATTALION website.


The database so far has more than 1000 videos and photos from every region of the country. The timeline is from the beginning of the war up to the present day.


Also, the website provides information on how to support Ukraine, such as where to donate to Ukrainian military or where to send the humanitarian aid. And in the section About the war, one can find 10 facts about the war in English.


It will be recalled that Ukraine has also created the website Post To Stop War In Ukraine that contains messages about the war in Ukraine in various languages to spread around the globe, and an English repository of truth #WeAreUkraine has also been launched.


Besides, Chytomo now has an English version of its website for foreign users.