Russia's crimes

Yaroslav the Wise National Library of Ukraine damaged in Russian missile attack


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On June 8, a massive Russian missile attack on Ukraine damaged a building of the Yaroslav the Wise National Library of Ukraine in Kyiv.


The blast wave shattered every window and partially destroyed the doors in the exchange and reserve collections.

Library staff managed to seek shelter during the air raid alert, so there were no casualties.


“The library community is indescribably pained by another crime by the aggressor country,” stated the Ukrainian Library Association on their Facebook page.


“We wish all the library staff a speedy recovery from what they have experienced and to transform their anger and helplessness into the restoration of their beloved walls and collections.”


The library’s exchange and reserve collection department plays a critical role in Ukraine’s document distribution, handling around 300,000 publications annually. Library officials are working to complete the necessary paperwork to restore the building and resume operations as soon as possible.


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Copy editing: Joy Tataryn, Terra Friedman King