Frankfurt Book Fair

Zelensky addressed book community at Frankfurt Book Fair


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As Chytomo’s correspondent Viktoria Feshchuk reports, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has addressed the book community at Frankfurt Book Fair.

The President delivered his speech online in front of the representatives of book industry. In his speech he mentioned how russia becomes less present in the field of culture but more present in the field of destruction, because instead of importing culture they import death, just like Iranian government. 


Zelensky emphasised that people around the world should know that the freedom can resist even when many believe it is not possible, that in the end murderers and war criminals will face justice in the court. 


“Not everyone admits the obvious. And there are still plenty of public figures in Europe who are encouraging to “understand” russia and try to ignore the terrorist politics. Why is it possible? What makes it happen? The only answer is the lack of knowledge. The lack of knowledge about murders committed by russia. The lack of knowledge about the crimes… But are you secured from explosions? Or from deadly drones? This is not a rhetorical question. Russia did enough to prove it does not have any limits. Please keep writing about it. Keep reading about it. Do everything possible for Europeans to know how many people lost their lives struggling for rights… Take a look at what our people are going through. Witness it and tell about it. Because there are the threats other nations of Europe might face, too,” the President said. 




Apart from this, Peter Kraus von Cleff, the President of the Federation of European Publishers, recommended everyone to attend the Ukrainian national stand. Unlike politics, culture can create common space for people,” he said, referring to Serhiy Zhadan’s words.


Juergen Boos, Frankfurter Buchmesse President, invited visitors to go and listen to the pop-music upgrade of Ukrainian poetry Foxtrots by Serhiy Zhadan, poetess Liubov Yakymchuk and musician Yurii Hurzha. 


Volodymyr Zelensky was invited to deliver a speech at the event by Frankfurter Buchmesse and Federation of European Publishers. The event was open for the general public and it took place at Harmonie Room at Congress Centre.


Frankfurt Book Fair (Frankfurter Buchmesse) is the most remarkable international book fair in the world. It is also an important social and cultural event. It aims at being the most significant business event for publishers informing them about world trends in publishing, giving the opportunity to establish contact with various market players and most importantly at helping them implement innovative business models in the book and media industry.


2022 Frankfurt Book Fair was taking place on October 19-23. Ukraine was represented by 10 writers and 43 publishers.