


Олександр Палій. A history of Ukraine. A short course

Oleksandr Palii. A history of Ukraine. A short course. — К.: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, 2021. — 464 p., il

This book sets out Ukraine’s history from antiquity to the present day, offering a condensed overview of the turbulent history of this European country. This book will help answer the following questions: What is Ukraine — a country which has recently been much talked about in the world? How has Europe become precisely as we see it now?

The first humanoid creatures emerged in East Africa some 2.5 million years ago. About 1.2 million years ago, humanlike beings came to Europe via the Balkans. The oldest discovered settlement of hominid creatures in Central and Eastern Europe is located in Ukraine. Hand axes and scrapers made from stone and bones dating back more than 1.1 million years were discovered at a site near the village of Korolevo in Transcarpatia.

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