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brought your lover a bouquet of tanks: the newest Ukrainian war poems
Under the war conditions, artists react as quickly as journalists, to make bridges of empathy between different people.
Here you can read poems from Ukrainian authors about perception and anticipation of war. Some authors are currently fighting at forces or territorial defence, some are evacuating or looking for a safe place for themselves or their families, others – are already abroad and now help others to be safe and sound. Nevertheless, all those writers have found the strength to write poems during the last week.
The Ukrainian version is available here
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I do not know where I should begin
The city is surrounded by the wall
When the city wakes up
It is surrounded by the war
And some other cities are resting around the fire
A chance that the city will stand
Is one to a hundred.
The ships are slowly reaching the costs
The city is swarmed by locust
The city will stand
Let the moments last for a while
The city will sleep
Let it sleep after being on fire
The morning is coming
Waking us from nothingness
There’s an antonym to life,
But there’s no death.
The bird is flying from the son’s palms to the father’s hands
I don’t know where to begin.
I start at the end.
Translated by Yulia Maksymenko
you can leave nowhere from here ’cause the distance for a shot is too short it is war after peace you gropingly search for your body
between those alike we’ve been expelled from universities of historical truth hardened in ashes of sense please take this heart as evidence the life just doesn’t go this way
you can leave nowhere from here ’cause children draw autumn yields on the bleached walls shining sheets the buildup and the base of your thoughts is the place where the missile hits warm rays of light as if it’s still spring it happened
you can leave nowhere from here ’cause the world’s drawn in blood and in flesh the war will be over one day and where would you then
the peace doesn’t exist what is it here’s the mallows this pill has been nursed by a wolf the toxic background the new city will be here
happy people will come out of the buildings on the canvas they will count how many of us are still left
it’s almost a love to everything that must disappear to everything given for a day as a butterfly of the soul
you can leave nowhere from here we’re caught and the world puts us under a microscope where to prick with this needle so it gets more interesting to wrestle in the solute the body floats with the water the soul gathers these drawings since it had a lot to forsake the peace is a war with yourself ’cause we’ve been cut in halves
this city we won’t recognize anymore don’t look in your eyes this mirror lies that you existed and there is a warm spring October
that pulses under the skin what’s that as a touch as a blood from the heart that should be alive ’cause otherwise where would you now after the peace
I will learn how to draw still to make it come true
Translated by Yuliia Kostiuk
Lord, the way Tychyna writes:
«And Bely, and Blok, and Yesenin»
the way they surrounded us
on all four sides
give us strength and power
a hastily packed suitcase and bread
naturally their sly foxes lie
that we have neither shields nor centuries
Ihor leads us somewhere
over the Don with his regiments
today with the February snow
and tomorrow with a bloody shield
and their dark forces come from Tmutarakan
and Mokshas and Chud
shoot at our location
hit at the positions we take
so what is there in The Tale of Ihor’s Campaign
and what is there in ancient sounds
you — jumping barefoot as a wolf
spreading the spit of the devil
reached the rivers and borders
reached my clenched heart
your blackened icons
can’t even be cleansed with milk
Lord, the way Tychyna writes
about Kyiv — the Messiah — about the country
why didn’t we learn these poems by heart?
Bleed — my heart — bleed
Translated by Olena Jennings
you are standing, with «no war» banner as if it was an indulgence
to what cannot be stopped anymore,
the war cannot be stopped anymore,
it’s like bright arterial blood from a running sore,
it keeps streaming until it kills you,
enters our cities with armed people,
it scatters secret subversive groups all over our yards
they’re like lethal mercury balls that сannot be picked up,
neither turned around, only traced and destroyed
by these civil managers, clerks, it-workers, and students,
life did not prepare them for the urban combats, but the war does
in the field conditions, in haste, on the painfully known ground
territorial defense first admits those with battle experience,
and then even those who fought only in Dune і Fallout,
oh yeah, and a barman we know also gives a short master-class on how to make burning mixtures
in the nearest club kids are sleeping,
are crying,
and are being born
into the world that is now unfit to live,
at the playground a full complement of family weld antitank hedgehogs
and bottle death «drinks»
whole families, who now are experiencing the happiness of communication
and coordinated collective labor — the war diminishes the distance
between people, between birth and death
between what we did not want for ourselves
and what we occurred to be capable of
– mom, pick up, a woman is begging for more than an hour in an apartment block’s cellar
stubbornly and dumbly, not quitting to believe in miracles,
but her mom is not available, she is in the suburb
where panel houses collapse like a cheap constructor
due to full-blown offensive
where connection towers ceased to connect
since yesterday
where the world fell apart into before and after
along the rough fold of the banner «no war»
which you will throw out into the nearest bin
coming back home after the protests, oh, Russian poet
the war kills with indifferent hands
and even with idle sympathizers’ hands.
Translated by Yuliia Maksymeiko
My god spends the night assembling armed forces,
He fights our battles and holds our lines taut.
My god tolerates my screaming and curses
And wipes his glasses for a better shot.
My god doesn’t hide behind backs of my people,
He covers children with protective shroud.
My god keeps buying haemostatics at chemist‘s
And stands in the queue to donate his blood.
My god cannot sleep, but sleep doesn’t matter
While the whole country stands guard in flames.
My god allows me to be unforgiving
and call all things by their real names.
Translated by Yulia Kostiuk
«mom, where the war comes from?» – he asks in quiet
and then, without break: the war is disaster, right?
it has come in for something? like for, you know,
she feels like her head was struck with an iron baculus,
the carpet was pulled from under her, her brain from the brainpan:
«where’d you taken this, kid?..»
«we must’ve been drawing some straws, mom,
and picked the wrong one from the tote bag of God?
maybe we wanted to summit the sky, but somehow we should not,
like the Babylonian did, you know – their tower was caused to fall,
you know, I heard in school…»
and she keeps her tears back, with all her gall,
she’s silent and strains for air with words unvoiced.
«mom, tell me, the wars can also be paid-for? –
he breaths piece of window misty, then draws there the shape.
this is Crimea, Donetsk – inviolate, aren’t they?
they are untouchED and ours — mom, this is so, yes?»
straining for air with words now, «untouchABLE,—- she suggests.
he puts the two-color flag in the midst of his window drawing. —
and where, where you’ve taken, kid, this so unchildish wording?»
Translated by Ksenyslava Krapka
So what, you just barged in unannounced,
brought your lover a bouquet
of tanks, helicopters, cruise missiles instead of flowers,
you told her: it is your fault, here is a bomb, a grenade,
Bitch, how dare you hurt your big brother?
That’s not a training flare, you can be sure of that.
We are not entering, we are entertaining — bitch, shut up.
Knees apart, blood on the sheet — that’s what love is.
We are enforcing peace on you, a dinner served with an armored zakuski.
This is not just any world. This is a Russian world. You understand? Russki!
Russian, how many times should I repeat?
Now, get dressed and make me a sandwich!
Hey, where is your protector? Away wagging his tongue?
Haven’t you been dreaming of having such a boyfriend all along?
The one who would threaten to leave your offender broke?
Insult our daddy calling him a paranoid klepto,
and the Russian man — a dupe and an alcoholic.
We came with fire. You are meeting us with fire?
You say fuck you, so that we stay fucked.
As they say, until further notice,
There — in the intimate zone, there is plenty of room for battles.
Either we will swoop in for an airstrike or wе’ll fire missiles.
You recognized me, didn’t you, it’s me, your Cain, your big brother.
Oh, you have a guardian angel? But we have aircraft.
We are crushing you with our secret archives, with our TV screens,
We will thrust a tyrant in a transparent condom inside you,
We have the red square and we will have a parade there.
Come on, ride your dead white ex-horse,
He is covered in blood, vomit, dirt, and shit.
I am writing shit and the spellchecker corrects it to sheet.
Good night, comrades — in a soiled winding sheet, in a shroud,
In your beloved country which you defiled and befouled.
Translated by Nata Vygovskaya and Anna Geisherik
the hand of the history flips the sand clock
and turns the page of the manual
and turns the world upside down too
peels the blue orange
but for some reason the splatters are
biblical parables about
shibboleths and wolves in sheep’s clothing
are coming to life
the snow is falling and melting again
like the enemy army on your territory
the calendar won’t start even from the fifth turn
it snorts for a while
the cat’s paw drops the sand clock from the table
Translated by Anna Yezerska
Tell me, what is «palianytsia»,
Why do nobody fall asleep?
I’ll show you my camouflage blazer
To check that you don’t me cheat.
The code «kanapa/kanapka»,
When was the war began
And who is fighting with me.
I will kill an occupier,
I will burn a tank
It’s all for you, my honey
I love you, my dear friend.
Under enemy tanks on the fields
there will be rye and wheat weeds
Huge package of personal sanctions
Will be given to every Russian
Our land is their grave
We are sure, there will be Ukraine
We know who is fighting with us.
I will kill an occupier,
I will burn a tank
It’s all for you, my honey
I love you, my dear friend.
Translated by Anna Melenko
the war will not begin tomorrow
in the name of all funeral wreaths and plastic ribbons
in the name of polished coffins and uncomfortable still new polished shoes of the dead
unsuitable to dance twist
/that’s right to dance twist
/that’s right to dance twist
somehow I imagine the dead dancing twist
holding in their hands the polished shoes that are too small for their swollen feet
we name our streets avenues parks after them
erect monuments in central squares
they have turned into monuments’ squares where one can hardly squeeze through
in times of peace there will be children playing seek and hide but that won’t happen immediately –
maybe in two years five years forty years
that is if the monuments’ square the memories’ square survives this war
anticipating the front line closing in from the north the south the east
we keep renaming them again and again
we install new signs at houses kindergartens and schools
to demonstrate just for a split second what is truly important for us
but we fail to be fast enough
to change the names of all the streets
to erect monuments to everybody
in the honour of the dead we rename the things we put into the go-bag
the torch is no longer a torch but Serhiy Viktorovych Kokurin
the radio is not a radio but Yevhen Oleksandrovych Andriyuk
the first aid box is Svyatoslav Serhiyovych Horbenko
we bring along the memory of our dead when we evacuate
leaving books diaries and photo albums of the soviet times
to the mercy of missiles and looters
/who will be dancing twist
/that’s right they will be dancing twist
/that’s right they will be dancing twist
/to the sounds of old records from grandma’s collection
Translated by Liliia Aleksandronets
i went for a smoke break on the bank of the dnipro
had a chat with a zsu soldier
and an atb security guard
the soldier was a younger one
full of pride for the frontline brothers
and eager for his turn
to smash the rusnia
he was caressing his gun
and wiping his nose
with a pixelated sleeve
every time he
wiped his nose
i did the same
the atb guard
was walking a beautiful husky
and washing down a quarter of horilka
with half a liter of «rohan» lager beer
he offered me a drink
but i refused
we smoked together
debated the current military and geopolitical affairs
and acknowledged that rusnia was in deep shit
and then the atb guard was telling us
about the summer
before the war
when he wooed some girls
on this very beach
we were laughing
though it was nothing to laugh about
it’s getting colder
the nose
is getting wetter
the right bank of dnipro
is darker
than a gun’s muzzle
[ZSU = Збройні сили України/Armed Forces of Ukraine]
[ATB = АТБ-Маркет, the largest Ukrainian network of retail shops]
Translated by Oles Petik
nobody told me how to experience it
to feel it
to live with it
to pet a dog
before giving it away for keeping
and not to wash my hands long after that
to close the chinchilla’s cage,
to listen to the goldfinch twit
to feed them keeping in mind
that they won’t survive
how to pay the mortgage again
for the apartment with three balconies
where the glass probably covered the carpets
to close hands behind your back
hugging you
like the bullet-proof vest that you will fasten
please teach me how to react
with the words “there is no war”
when my sister tells me her basement is flooded
and they sleep across the bed behind the wall
when my friends’ child is crying
reluctant to go to the shelter
teach me how to be proud for killers
to distrust my own eyes
to hate my country
so tender that I want to cover every building with my own body
every Primachenko’s work
everyone who had to leave home
learn how to
live with it
Translated by Ella Yevtushenko
Once upon a morning I woke up
being a bomb
And flew headlong home
Translated by Victoria Feshchuk
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