
European publishers condemn Russian attack on Faktor’s printing press in Kharkiv


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The Federation of European Publishers expresses solidarity with their Ukrainian counterparts after a devastating missile attack destroyed one of Ukraine’s largest printing presses.


The President of FEP, Ricardo Franco Levi said “The bombs that killed seven people and destroyed thousands and thousands of books have only one objective, to destroy humanity. The European book community stands with Ukraine. We need to pursue and increase cooperation with our Ukrainian colleagues.”


“Faktor-Print [Factor-Druk] belongs to the same holding as the publisher Vivat and we want to express our solidarity. We encourage everyone to buy Ukrainian books, distribute them to displaced people in various European countries, and ensure the visibility of this vibrant literature. FEP is active with the project Tales of EUkraine, supported by the European program Creative Europe,” wrote FEP.


The Federation encourages donations to support the Factor-Druk.


FEP is an independent, non-commercial umbrella association of the European book publishers’ associations. FEP represents 29 European national associations of book publishers, learned journals, and educational materials, in all formats. Since February 2022, FEP has invited the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association as a Guest member. Thus, FEP speaks on behalf of a good majority of European publishers.


Copy Editing: Terra Friedman King