Russians destroyed the largest library in Mariupol


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The Korolenko Central City Library in temporarily occupied Mariupol has been turned into ruins. This was reported by the Mariupol City Council.

The central library moved to a historic building in the heart of the city at 43 Horodetska Street in 2019. More than 150,000 books were moved here and the library opened a modern coworking space to host meetings with cultural figures, book presentations, and exhibitions by local artists.


In 1905, this building housed the first bank in southeastern Ukraine, which supported the construction of the Nikopol and Providence steel plants in Mariupol.


“But all of this was deliberately destroyed by the Russians during the blockade of the city. Now the historic building looks more like a ruin,” comments the Mariupol City Council.

The library before the occupation


At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Korolenko Central City Library in Mariupol became a refuge for locals from Russian attacks. Later, it began to suffer damage, and many books were lost. Then the library moved to Dnipro, where it began to collect literature again.


As a reminder, Russia damaged and destroyed more than 550 cultural heritage sites.


Photo: Mariupol City Council; tourist website