
Buffett Foundation to help restore destroyed Kharkiv printing house


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The Howard G. Buffett Foundation will help restore equipment at Factor-Druk, the Kharkiv printing house destroyed by a recent Russian missile strike.


The assistance was announced during the Book Arsenal festival in Kyiv by U.S. billionaire and philanthropist Howard Buffett and Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister for Economy Yulia Svyrydenko.


Svyrydenko stated that the ministry will provide grants to the printing house: “In addition to grant support for equipment restoration, we reached out to Howard Buffett, and he has committed to helping fully restore the destroyed equipment and premises.” 


In a video message, Howard Buffett shared that he had spoken with Serhiy Polityuchy, president of the Factor Group of Companies. The Buffett Foundation will help restore the printing house in a temporary format to replace the equipment as quickly as possible and start printing textbooks by the beginning of the school year. 


They can destroy books, but not Ukrainian resilience and dedication. We must restore the printing house and do it quickly. We look forward to working with Serhiy and working in Kharkiv

Buffett said.


Copy editing: Joy Tataryn, Terra Friedman King