
Vasyl Makhno’s poetry volume released in the USA


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New poetry collection by Vasyl Makhno Paper Bridge was released by the US publisher Plamen Press. This was announced by the writer on his Facebook page.

The poems are translated into English by Olena Jennings. And the foreword to the bilingual book is written by the American poet Ilya Kaminsky.


“This is my third poetry collection translated into English and published in the USA. Two previous books were released in 2009 and 2011. We began working on Paper Bridge with Olena Jennings back in 2018 when she translated the first poems from the Ukrainian version of the book (issued in 2017). It’s worth noting that the American version features the poems of different years – some are from Paper Bridge, and some are from One Sail House (2021). The translation and preparation process took almost four years due to the pandemic that got in the way,” Vasyl Makhno told Chytomo in his exclusive interview.


The book is 140 pages long. It costs $19.95 and is available for pre-orders at the link.


“American readers can enjoy my poems written over the last five years. Of course, this book differs from the previous ones both by the topics and poetics. The boks published earlier were mostly about New York. While Paper Bridge is more about the details of our multi-faceted world and the feeling of its fragility and uniqueness,” the poet added. 



Vasyl Makhno is a Ukrainian poet, novelist, essayist, translator and literary critic. He’s the author of poetry collections One Sail House (2021), Winter Letters: & Other Poems (2011), Thread And Selected New York Poems (2009), the short story collection The House in Baiting Hollow (2015), a novel, The Eternal Calendar (2019), and four books of essays, The Gertrude Stein Memorial Cultural and Recreation Park (2006), Horn of Plenty (2011), Suburbs and Borderland (2019), and Biking along the Ocean (2020).


It shall be reminded that earlier Vasyl Makhno’s novel The Eternal Calendar (Kalendarz Wiecznosci) was translated into Polish.


Photo: plamenpress.com