Kharkiv region

Vivat Publishing lists books destroyed by Russian missile strike at Factor-Druk printing house


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Vivat Publishing House, a Factor group company subsidiary, has released a list of books destroyed by the May 23 Russian missile strike on the Factor-Druk printing house in Kharkiv.


Among Vivat’s titles, world bestsellers and Ukrainian books about war, children’s books, and YA literature were destroyed:


World bestsellers


  • “Funny You Should Ask” by Elissa Sussman;
  • “The Marriage Portrait” by Maggie O’Farrell; and
  • “Nora Goes Off Script” by Annabel Monaghan.



New editions of young adult and adult books


  • “The Cruel Prince” by Holly Black;
  • “The Overnight Guest” by Heather Gudenkauf; and
  • “Iron Widow” by Xiran Jay Zhao.


Books by the Ukrainian authors



  • “Words and Bullets” by Natalya Korniyenko – a collection of interviews that began as a media series on Chytomo. This edition showcases interviews with Ukrainian writers and journalists who have become soldiers and volunteers. The book contained the first and the last interview with poet and fallen soldier Maksym Kryvtsov, an interview with Victoria Amelina, and many other Ukrainian writers, journalists, and intellectuals. 


  • “Happiness Hunters. If You Need to Die, I’ll Wake You Up” by Valeriy Puzik, a writer, artist and soldier. This book is a collection of stories about life on the front lines and in the liberated territories, where, despite liberation, the war hasn’t disappeared. 


“Russia wants to wipe us off the face of the earth. Not just the people, but also any reminders and evidence. It wants to erase our culture, customs, villages, and cities,” wrote Valeriy Puzik after the attack. “This is an insatiable enemy and we will definitely defeat it.”


RELATED: Valeriy Puzik: The war is when everyone does what it takes


  • “The Underground State” by Andriy Kokotyukha – a gripping historical novel that tells the story of the power of the ordinary person and the ineffectiveness of totalitarian regimes. Set in Lithuania at the end of World War II, it is based on real events and follows the story of Lithuanian rebels who dared to challenge the Russian occupation authority.



Among other books the publisher named: 


  • “Motanka” – a collection of short fantasy prose by Ukrainian women writers;
  • “Izmaragd of Princess Nesvitska” by Oleksandr Irvanets;
  • “To Fight is a Must, Retreat is Not an Option” by Pavlo “Pashtet” Belyansky;
  • “All My Keys and Gaia. The Fire of the North” by Natalia Matolinets;
  • Additional print runs for “Gérard the Partisan” by Ivan Andrusyak and “The Rescued Club. Non-Fluffy Stories” by Sashko Dermansky and Tetyana Kopytova;
  • “Stories for Fearless Girls”;
  • “A Little Ball of Yarn Rushes to Help”;
  • “Huxley and Oladyk Rush to Help”;
  • “The Big Book of Fairies and Princesses”;
  • “One Against All”;
  • “Heroes of Greek Mythology”;
  • “Freya and the Fearless: To Battle”; and
  • Additional editions of “The Rescued Club” by Sashko Dermansky, “Gérard the Partisan” by Ivan Andrusyak, “The Big Book of Space,” and “Children’s Encyclopedia of Planet Earth.”


The publisher emphasized that this is not a complete list of destroyed publications. 


As reported earlier, Russian occupiers attacked one of the biggest Ukrainian printing houses, Factor Druk, a civilian company. The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor’s Office reported at least seven company employees were killed and 22 injured.


How to help: Vivat Publishing CEO sends out a letter of appeal following Russian attack on Faktor-Druk printing house


Copy editing: Joy Tataryn, Terra Friedman King